hujan pertama
Aku Lelah dan basah
Jalanan penuh orang yang menuju rumah
Di hujan pertama tahun ini
Aku dan kamu tidak sendiri
Angkot bergerak mengantar penumpang
Lagu lawas mengalun pelan
Suasana romantis meski sibuk masing-
Seiring butiran embun yang membasahi
Pada jendela yang dingin
Subject Verb Agreement
Subject + Verb
Example :
I work
She works
The car in the garage is mine
The man with the black jacket is my
The man who is standing before the door is my
Singular subject need singular
Plural subject need plural
Example :
My brother is a
My sister are mathematicians.
Tips and Tricks
The tricks is in knowing whether
the subject is singular or plural.
The next tricks is recognize a singular or plural verb.
RULE 1 – Indefinite Pronouns
The indefinite pronouns anyone, everyone, someone, no one,
nobody are always singular and,
therefore, require singular
Everyone has done his
or her homework.
Somebody has left her
Nobody is in the room.
Exception 1 : all &
Some indefinite pronouns such
as all, some
are singular or plural depending on what
they are referring to. ( Is the thing referred to countable or not? ) Be
careful when choosing a verb to accompany such pronouns.
Some of
the books are missing.
Some of
the water is gone.
Exception 2 : None
None can be singular or plural depending on the noun that
None of
the students are in the class
None of
the food is fresh
Special case : Each
Each of students is responsible for his/her homework
Each of
the cars has different color
RULE 2 : Together with, as well as, and along with
Prashes such as together with, as well as, and along
with are not the same as and. They
don’t add or compound the subject.
Example :
The mayor, as well as his brothers, is going to prison.
The mayor and his
brother are going to Bali.
My friends, together with Rani, are at school.
Auditional explanation
Sometimes the subject is
separated from the verb by words such as along with, as well as, besides, or not. Ignore these expressions when determining whether to
use a singular or plural verb.
Example :
The politician,along with the newsmen, is expected shortly.
Excitement, as well as nervouseness, is the cause of her shaking.
RULE 3 : Subject separated
from the verb / appositive
Sometimes modifiers will get
between a subject and its verb, but these modifiers must not confuse the
agreement between the subject and its verb.
Example :
The mayor,
who has been convicted along with his four brothers on four counts of various
crimes but who also seems, like a cat, to have several political lives, is finally
going to jail.
RULE 4 : The pronouns of
Adjective clause
Sometimes the pronouns the
pronoun who, that, or which is the subject of a verb in the middle of the
sentence. The pronouns who, that, and which become singular or plural according
to the noun directly in front of them. So, if that noun is singular, use a
singular verb. If it is plural, use a plural verb.
Example :
Salma is
the scientist who writes
the reports.
The word in front of who is
scientist, which is singular. Therefore, use the singular verb writes.
He is one of the men who does the work.
The word in front of who is
men, whih is plural. Herefore, use the plural verb do.
RULE 5 : Either + Or and Neither + Nor
Or does not conjoin (as and does): when nor or
or is used the subject closer to the verb determines the
number of the verb. Wheter the subject comes before or after the verb doesn’t
matter :
Either my
father or my brother are going to sell the house.
Neither my brother nor my father is going to sell the house.
Are either my
brothers or my father responsible ?
Is either my
father or my brothers responsible ?
Pronouns : Either and Neither
The pronouns neither and
either are singular and require singular verbs even though
they seem to be referring, in a sense, to two things.
Example :
Neither of
the two traffic lights is working.
Either of us is capable of doing the job.
Which shirt do you want for
christmas ?
Either is fine with
Be Careful !
In informal writing, neither and
either sometimes take a plural verb when these pronouns are
followed by a prepositional phrase beginning with of. This particulary true of
interrogative constructions.
Example :
“ Have either of you two clowns read the assigment ? “
“ Are either of you taking this seriously ? “
RULE 6: Pseudo Subject – There and Here
The words there and
here are never subjects. The real subjects come after the
Example :
There are
two reasons (plural subject) for
There is
no reason for this.
Here are two apples.
Here is the key.
RULE 7: Third Party Singular
– He, She, it, personal name
Verbs in the present tense for
third-person, singular subjects (he, she, it, and anything those words can
stand for: Rani, Dani, the cat, the table) have sending. Other verbs do not add
She teaches Engish
Rani teaches English
The cat eats fish
It eats fish
Have has
He has good personality
It has beautiful fur
Remember !
Add – s / es only to present
verbs, not to past or past participle verbs. The past form of singular “be” is
Example :
Singular Present :
She is there
Singular Past :
She was here
She takes the offer (v)
She tooks the offer (x)
She took the offer (v)
RULE 8: Words end in –s
Some words end in –s and
appear to be plural but are really singular and require singular verbs.
Example :
The news from
the front is bad.
Measles is a
dangerous disease for pregnant women.
But, some words end in –s and
appear to be plural and require plural verbs.
Example :
My assets were wiped out in the
The average worker”s earnings have gone up
Our thanks go to the workers who
supported the union.
List of Singular words end in –s
Diseases :
Measles, rabies, fields of
study and
Occuopation :
Economics, ethics, linguistics,
politics, phisics, gymnastics.
Games :
Dominoes, darts, cards.
Example :
Mathematics is my
favorite lesson.
List of Plural words end in –s (only
with certain meanings).
Customs (at the airport, not practices)
Guts (courage,
not intestine)
Quarters (lodgings, not 1/4s)
Clothes (garmets, not fabrics)
Goods (merchandise, not the opposite of bad)
Arms (weapons,
not limb)
Example :
The goods are in the
Nouns that are always plural
Examples :
The scissors are on the
The pair of the jeans needs to be washed.
RULE 9: Fractional
Expressions (Half
of, a part of, a precentage of, and so forth)
With words that indicate
portions – percent, fraction, part, majority, some, all, none, remainder, and
so forth – look at the noun in your of phrase (object of the preposition) to
determine whether to use a singular or plural verb. If the object of the
preposition is singular, use a singular verb. If the object of the preposition
is plural, use a plural verb.
Example :
Fifty percent of the pie has disappeared.
Pie is the object of the
preposition of.
Fifty percent of the pies have disappeared.
Pies is the object of the
One – third of the city is uneployed.
One – third of the people are
RULE 10: Negative and Positive Subjects
If your sentence compound a
positive and negative subject and one is plural, the other singular, the verb
should agree with the positive subject.
Example :
The department members but not the chair have decide
not to teach on Valentine’s Day.
It is not the faculty members but the
president who decide this issue.
It was the speaker, not
his ideas, that has provoked the
students to riot.
RULE 11: Sum of money or periods
Use singular verb with sums of
money or periods of time.
Example :
Ten dollars is a high price to pay.
Five years is the maximum sentence for that.
Collective nouns
Collective nouns adalah nomina atau kata benda yang menunjukkan pada suatu kelompok/kumpulan orang, binatang, atau benda.Perhatikan contoh dan catatan untuk collective nouns berikut di bawah ini.
Collective nouns untuk kumpulan orang (groups of people), misalnya: family, crew, team, club, community, committee, choir, company, crowd, band, gang, orchestra, government, audience, army, etc.
Dalam kalimat, collective nouns dapat menggunakan singular atau plural verb, contoh:
- My family was happy to see me.- My family were happy to see me.
Nomina cattle, people, dan the police selalu memakai plural verb.
Jika suatu kumpulan itu berperan sebagai kesatuan sebuah kumpulan (single unit) saja, gunakan singular verb. Tetapi, jika kumpulan itu berperan atau melakukan suatu aktivitas, maka gunakan plural verb, contoh:
- The crowd was orderly.- The crowd were clapping, yelling and cheering.
Contoh lain kumpulan untuk orang (groups of people): crowd of shoppers, company of actors, class of schoolchildren, gang of thieves, panel of judges, platoon of soldiers.
Contoh collective nouns untuk kumpulan binatang (groups of animal) yang biasanya disertai kata tambahan tertentu: herd of cattle, flock of birds, drove of sheep, gaggle of geese, pack of wolves, pride of lions, pod of dolphins, school of fish, litter of puppies, troop of monkeys, brood of chickens, swarm of bees.
Contoh collective nouns kumpulan benda (groups of things) yang juga biasanya disertai kata tambahan tertentu: bunch of bananas, deck of cards, cluster of grapes, flight of steps, bunch of flowers, suite of rooms, bouquet of flowers, suite of furniture, range of mountains, set of tools, fleet of ships, string of beads, fleet of vehicles, grove of trees.
Contoh collective nouns yang menunjukkan jumlah atau bentuk dari suatu benda (the amount or form of something): loaf of bread, bar of soap, ball of string, bar of chocolate.
Kata a piece of atau a slice of yang berarti sebagian, bagian, sepotong, atau sedikit, biasanya juga dapat menyertai sebuah kata benda.
- a slice/piece of bread
- a slice/piece of cheese
- a piece/square of chocolate
- a slice/piece of cake
- a sheet/piece of paper
- a piece of chalk
- a piece of information
- a piece of advice
Ada beberapa nomina yang selalu dipakai berpasangan (pair nouns), misalnya: binoculars, glasses, jeans, pants, pyjamas, scissors, shorts, tights, trousers.
Nomina berpasangan ini adalah nomina plural dan selalu memakai verba yang juga plural.
- My jeans need washing.- These tights were quite expensive.
- We've got some scissors somewhere.
Kata sandang (article) a/an atau pernyataan jumlah tidak boleh dipakai secara langsung padapair nouns, kecuali sebelumnya ditambahkan kata pair of.
- I need some jeans.- Laura bought four pairs of tights.
Expression Conversation
Where we will go?Rinta: We have long holidays in this month. How about we spend our holidays in countryside?
Zakiya: Actually, I have a plan. How about we go to Bali? I have catalogue for our tour packages to Bali
Rinta: Really? Would you mind borrowing me the catalogue?
Zakiya: Of course not. Here it is.
Almira: Do you have another one?
Zakiya: Sorry, I just bring one
Rinta: Eun, I think that’s a great. It’s really interesting and the view in Bali is very beautiful. I want to take some picture there
Zakiya: So, would you want to join wth me?
Rinta: Sure, that’s a good idea. I’d love to know your opinion Almira?
Almira: That’s a good idea but Bali is too far and we must have much money. I suggest that you to Papuma Beach.
Zakiya: Would it be possible for us to go to there?
Almira: Sure, the view of Papuma beach is also beautiful and you can save your money.
Rinta: It’s also great idea Almira
Zakiya: It’s better I think. So, would you like to join us Almira?
Almira: Oh, I’m sorry I have another plan. My mom was sick and I want to be wih her and make quality time with her
Rinta: Oh dear, I symphatize with your mom condition. I hope she get well soon
Zakiya: I;m sorry to hear that. Pray for your mom and make sure you don’t catch a cold
Almira: Thank you guys. Enjoy your holiday
Sejarah Majapahit
Bukti Tertulis Sejarah Majapahit1. Sumber utama yang digunakan oleh para sejarawan adalah Pararaton ('Kitab Raja-raja') dalam bahasa Kawi dan Nagarakretagama dalambahasa Jawa Kuno.
2. Nagarakertagama merupakan puisi Jawa Kunoyang ditulis pada masa keemasan
Majapahit di bawah pemerintahan Hayam Wuruk. Setelah masa itu, hal yang terjadi tidaklah jelas.
3. Serat Darmagandul merupakan kitab yang cukup dikenal dalam kesusasteraan Jawa. Tidak sedikit yang menggunakannya sebagai bahan studi sejarah, terutama terkait keruntuhan Majapahit. Serat Darmogandul merupakan serat yang berisi cerita tentang dialog antara tokoh-tokoh pada jaman dulu kala di Indonesia. Dalam serat ini pula didapatkan cerita berubahnya keyakinan Prabu Brawijaya dari agama Buddha beralih ke agama Islam. Akan tetapi karena serat Darmogandul dinilai banyak pihak sebagai naskah yang bermuatan penghinaan terhadap Islam , maka serat tersebut dilarang beredar .
4. Kakawin Nagarakretagama, pupuh VIII-XII, merupakan sumber tertulis yang penting untuk mengetahui gambaran Kota Majapahit sekitar tahun 1350 M. Kota pada masa itu bukanlah kota dalam arti modern, demikian pernyataan Pigeaud (1962), ahli sejarah kebangsaan Belanda, dalam kajiannya terhadapNagarakretagama karya Prapanca.
5. Kitab Negara Kertagama, karangan Empu Prapanca. Isinya tentang keadaan kota Majapahit,daerah-daerah jajahan dan perjalanan Hayam Wuruk mengelilingi daerah-daearah kekuasaannya. Selain itu, juga disebutkan adanya upacara Sradda untuk Gayatri, mengenai pemerintahan dan kehidupan keagamaan zaman Majapahait. Kitab ini sebenarnya lebih bernilai sebagai sumber sejarah budaya daripada sumber sejarah politik. Sebab, mengenai raja-raja yang berkuasa hanya disebutkan secara singkat,terutama raja-raja Singasari dan Majapahit lengkap dengan tahun.
6. Kitab Sotasoma, karangan Empu Tantular. Isinya tentang riwayat Sotasoma, seorang anak raja yang menjadi pendeta Buddha. Ia bersedia mengorbankan dirinya untuk kepentingan semua makhluk yang ada dalam kesulitan. Oleh karena itu, banyak orang yang tertolong olehnya. Di dalam Kitab ini terdapat ungkapan yang berbunyi; "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Tan Hana Dharma Mangrawa", yang kemudian dipakai sebagai motto Negara kita.
7. Kitab Arjunawijaya, karangan Empu Tantular. Isinya tentang raksasa yang berhasil dikalahkan oleh Arjuna Sasrabahu.
8. Kitab Kunjarakarna, tidak diketahui pengarangnya. Isinya menceritakan tentang raksasa Kunjarakarna yang ingin menjadi manusia. Ia menghadap Wairocana dan diizinkan melihat neraka. Oleh karena taat kepada agama Buddha, akhirnya apa yang diinginkannya terkabul.
9. Kitab Parthayajna, juga tidak diketahui pengarangnya. Isinya tentang keadaan Pandawa setelah kalah main dadu, yang akhirnya mereka mengembara di hutan.
10.Kitab Pararaton, isinya sebagian besar cerita mitos atau dongeng tentang raja-raja Singasari dan Majapahit. Selain itu, juga diceritakan tentang Jayanegara, pemberontakan Ranggalawe dan Sora, serta peristiwa Bubat
introducing someone
In Saturday night Ria and Dicky go to departemenstore.
Unexpectedly Ria meet up with her friend when at junior high school.
: Hii........
:Yes,sorry have we meet before?
:Yeah,Iam Ria. We are friend at junior high
:Oh yeah.........i remember you. How can i
forget you
:How are you?
Rey :Im fine, now I was a student colleg at
How about you? where you study right
:Im fine too,im currently a medical student
at Airlangga University.
:Oh really?iam proud to hear that.
By the way,
do you go here alone?
Ria :Oh no.. im with my friend. Dicky this is Rey,he is my
at junior high school. And Rey this is Dicky. He is my friend at university.
Dicky:Hi.. Rey,iam Dicky nice to meet you
:Hi nice to meet you too
:By the way Dicky is come from bali,you also
from bali right?
:Oh really?where are you from in bali?
Dicky:Iam from denpasar and you?
:Iam from Ubud you can visit at my
home when you come back to bali
Dicky:I think we can be on vacation together
:Yeaaaah...good idea
:I know some of the beautiful place are
there but not many people know
:We can arrange it on next holiday,but
sorry we must go home now.
:Okay this is my name card you can call me
when you have time.
:Thank’s,see you
Aplikasi Multimedia MACROMEDIA FLASH
Flash adalah adalah salah satu software yang
merupakan produk unggulan pembuat animasi gambar vektor yang sangat diminati saat ini. Berkas yang
dihasilkan dari perangkat lunak ini mempunyai file extension *.swf dan dapat diputar di penjelajah web yang
telah dipasangi Flash Player. Flash menggunakan
bahasa pemrograman bernama ActionScript.Macromedia
flash adalah sebuah program animasi yang telah banyak digunakan oleh para desainer untuk menghasilkan
desain yang
Riwayat produk sampai awal
2010 :
v Futuresplash Animator (10
April 1996)
v Flash 1(Desember 1996)
v Flash 2 (Juni 1997)
v Flash 3 (31 Mei 1998)
v Flash 4 (15 Juni 1999)
v Flash 5 (24 Agustus 2000)
v Flash MX (versi 6) (15
Maret 2002)
v Flash MX 2004 (versi 7)
(9September 2003) – ActionScript 2.0
v Flash MX 2004 (versi 7)
(9September 2003) – ActionScript 2.0
v Flash MX Professional 2004
(versi 7) (9 September 2003)
v Flash Basic 8 (13
September 2005)
v Flash Professional 8 (13
September 2005)
v Flash CS3 Professional (sebagai
versi 9,16 April 2007) –
ActionScript 3.0
v Flash CS4 Professional
(sebagai versi 10, 15 Oktober 2008)
v Adobe Flash CS5
Professional (as version 11, to be released in spring of 2010, codenamed “Viper)
Macromedia Flash 8, merupakan software yang dirancang untuk membuat animasi
berbasis vector dengan hasil yang mempunyai ukuran yang kecil. Awalnya software ini memang diarahkan
untuk membuat animasi atau aplikasi berbasis internet (online). Tetapi pada perkembangannya banyak digunakan untuk membuat animasi atau aplikasi yang bukan berbasis internet (offline). Dengan Actionscript 2.0
yang dibawanya, Flash 8 dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan game atau bahan ajar seperti kuis atau
- Membuat presentasi
- Membuat aplikasi
- Membuat animasi
- Membuat konten video
- Membuat media-rich flash dengan mengkombinasikan unsur: gambar, suara, video, dan efek- efek khusus
Merupakan teknologi animasiweb yang paling populer
saat ini sehingga banyak didukung oleh berbagai pihak. Ukuran file yang kecil dengan kualitas yang baik Kebutuhan Hardware yang tidak
Tinggi Dapat membuat website, cd- interaktif,
animasi web, animasi kartun, kartu elektronik, iklan TV, banner di web, presentasi cantik, membuat permainan
(game), aplikasi web dan handphone. Dapat ditampilkan di banyak media seperti Web,
CD-ROM, VCD, DVD, Televisi, Handphone dan PDA.
Hasil akhir Flash memiliki ukuran yang lebih kecil (setelah dipublish) Animasi dapat dibentuk, dijalankan dan dikontrol Flash dapat mengimpor hamper semua gambar dan
file-file audio sehingga dapat lebih hidup. Gambar Flash tidak akan pecah meskipun di zoom
beberapa kali karena gambar flash bersifat gambar vektor. Hasil akhir dapat disimpan dalam berbagai macam bentuk seperti *.avi, *.gif,
*.mov, maupun file dengan format
- Waktu belajarnya lama apalagi bagi yang belum pernah menggunakan software desain grafis sebelumnya.
- Grafisnya kurang lengkap.
- Lambat login.
- Kurang Simpel.
- Menunya tidak user friendly.
- Perlu banyak referensi tutorial.
- Kurang dalam 3D. Pembuatan
- animasi 3D cukup sulit.
- Bahasanya pemrogramannya
- agak susah.
- Belum ada template didalamnya.dan ukuran file besar.
Hiii let me introduce my self...
Hiiii,My name is Almira Rahmanafi. You can call me Almira. I was born in Jombang 30th April 1996. Now, iam a teenager haha.I was graduated from Twent Senior High Scool Surabaya. So many memories when iam at senior high school but life must go on and now Im proud to be a colleg student at Electronic Enginering Polytehcnic Institut of Surabaya on Multimedia Broadcasting.This campus is known like a jungle hahaa. but Iam happy can study here and be part of Multimedia Creative.I proud met with people who are creative and my frinds in there would to tech me.
I have family my father's name Nurwalid. He always teach me about religion.Iam proud with because he always love me and my family. My mother's name Christin.She is house wife.She is my everything. She always to be make her family happy. I have brother and sister. My brother name's Hafizh,he is 14 years old. Now,he is grade 9 at one junior hight school waru sidoarjo.He like playing game so much and my little sister name's Atha she is 12 years old,and she is grade 7 at the same school with hafizh.She like reading novel and listening music.I love my family so much.
My hobbies are watching movie,eating,and hang out with my friends. I like to tasting a new food like a wastern,indonesian food,or arabian food. I like watching romantic and advanture movie.Sometimes i have to hang out with my friends, i always happy with my friends.We can smile and laugh together and they always help me and make me happy anytime,anywhere,and anything. I started friendship since high school and i hope will be forever.
Well,in the future i will make my parents and my family proud of me,and always make them happy forever. And i wish that i can continue to be higher my study.
That's little story about me,this is me?how about you?:))
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